
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Flight: Anti-Heroes

I just loved this movie and its controversial story. Washington is amazing in the role of a drunk pilot who manages to be the hero of a flying accident. A must see.

Read the definitions and characteristics of a hero and anti-hero.

When the main character is deeply flawed, however, lacking in the attributes that people most often associate with heroism, he or she becomes an anti-hero.

Heroes face danger for the sake of protecting or saving others with little thought to themselves. Action movies often feature a classic hero or heroine who must risk all to beat the odds and achieve an objective that serves others as much or more than it serves the hero. In many cases, the hero volunteers through sense of duty, while at other times, he or she rises to the occasion when put in a situation that calls for action.

The anti-hero is often a reluctant hero who does not consider himself capable of accomplishing the goal. He might be selfish, addicted, corrupt, sullen, or disaffected. By the end of the journey, he typically transforms into a fuller, happier, or more complete person due to the struggles he endures. In many cases, the anti-hero dies at the end of the story, even while overcoming his faults.

II. Watch the movie segment and decide if the main character is a hero or anti-hero. Discuss the questions too.

1. The pilot managed to save most of the people's lives. Does it make it him a hero?

2. He drank alcoholic beverages during the flight. Does it still make him a hero?

3. Is he guilty or Innocent?

4. What should happen to him?

5. What are his personality traits that don't make him a hero, according to the definitions above?

6. Can you think of other famous anti-heroes?


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sunshine Award

I'm very happy to have received The Sunshine Award. Thank you Pilar for the nomination.

Sunshine Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is
given to "bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the
blogosphere". I do feel honoured that such great bloggers have given me
this thoughtful award.
As with other similar awards, there are certain rules that must be followed:
Rule 1.  Post the Sunshine Award logo on your blog.
Rule 2.  Nominate 5 to 10 other wonderful  bloggers.
Rule 3.  Announce their nomination in their blog’s comment section.
Rule 4 .Mention links back to their blog, including a link to the person who nominated you.
Rule 5. Answer seven questions about yourself.  This is designed to help people get to know you better.
1. Kieran Donaghy - Film-English
 Very creative ideas and an inspiration to us all.

2. Sue Swift - An ELT Notebook
 Sue's articles are a must for language teachers
3. Ozge Karaoglu - Orze Karaoglu's blog is a resourceful blog that I refer to all the time.
4. Ana Maria Menezes - Life Feast
 I'm a great fan of Ana's blog and professionalism. Her blog is awesome.

5. Vinicius Lemos and Vania Rodrigues. If the Ship Sinks, We Have the Survival Kit is my favorite source of games and activities. I love their blog.
1. Favorite colour.

Blue. Always blue.

2. Favourite animal.

Dogs. Can't live without them. I have three!

3. Favourite number.


4. Favourite non-alcoholic drink.


5. Favourite alcoholic drink.

I don't drink much, sometimes when I go out with friends, beer.

6. Facebook or Twitter.
Facebook. Finding old friends and relatives.

7. My passions.
Movies and music.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Big Miracle: Whaling Controversy, Environment

This is a nice movie, based on a true story, which revolves around the whaling issue. I recommend it. This scene is great to talk about that specific topic and environmental discussions.

 I. Read this information about whaling.

Whaling is the hunting of whales primarily for meat and oil. As technology increased and demand for the resources remained, catches far exceeded the sustainable limit for whale stocks.While the moratorium has been successful in averting the extinction of whale species due to over hunting, contemporary whaling is subject to intense debate. Pro-whaling countries, notably Japan, wish to lift the ban on stocks that they claim have recovered sufficiently to sustain limited hunting. Anti-whaling countries and environmental groups say whale species remain vulnerable and that whaling is immoral, unsustainable, and should remain banned permanently. The whaling controversy is the international environmental and ethical debate over whale hunting. The debate has focused on issues of sustainability and conservation as well as ownership and national sovereignty. Also raised in debates is the question of cetacean intelligence and the level of suffering which the animals undergo when caught and killed.

II. Talk to a partner:

1. What's your opinion about whale hunting? Should it be allowed or prohibited? Why?

2. Would you change your mind if you knew that entire communities would starve to death if whale hunting were prohibited?

3. Would you change your mind if you knew that the amount of suffering is enormous?

4. Would you change your mind if the species of the whale was endangered? What if it was not?

5. What is your solution for this controversy?

III. Watch the movie segment and answer these questions:

1. What is being discussed during the meeting?

2. What is the environmentalist's point of view?

3. What is the local community's point of view?

4. What was the final decision?

5. Do you agree with the decision? What might the consequences of the decision be?

6. Who is right and who is wrong? Explain it.


Friday, May 10, 2013

The Nanny Diaries: Child-Rearing Challenges, Nannies,

I. Work with a partner:

1. Do you have children? Would you like to become a parent? What was (has been) (will be) your major difficulties while raising your child?

2. Is it more difficult to raise a child in modern society? Why (not)?

3. Do you agree that nannies are essential for raising a child nowadays? Why (not)?

4. How can one select a good nanny?

5. Were you raised by a nanny?

II. Read the tips below and rank them in order of importance for a successful child upbringing.  

( ) Put parenting first. This is hard to do in a world with so many competing demands. Good parents consciously plan and devote time to parenting. They make developing their children’s character their top priority.

( ) Review how you spend the hours and days of your week. Think about the amount of time your children spend with you. Plan how you can weave your children into your social life and knit yourself into their lives.

( ) Be a good example. Face it: human beings learn primarily through modeling. In fact, you can’t avoid being an example to your children, whether good or bad. Being a good example, then, is probably your most important job.

( ) Develop an ear and an eye for what your children are absorbing. Children are like sponges. Much of what they take in has to do with moral values and character. Books, songs, TV, the Internet, and films are continually delivering messages—moral and immoral—to our children. As parents we must control the flow of ideas and images that are influencing our children.

( ) Read to your child. Helping to nurture a love for the written word will help your child to develop a love for reading later on.

( ) Use the language of character. Children cannot develop a moral compass unless people around them use the clear, sharp language of right and wrong.

( ) Punish with a loving heart. Today, punishment has a bad reputation. The results are guilt-ridden parents and self-indulgent, out-of-control children. Children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love.

( ) Learn to listen to your children. Influencing their lives is one of the greatest things you can do. It is easy to tune out our children, and a missed opportunity for meaningful guidance. Helping our children become good students also builds strong character.

( ) Make a big deal out of the family meal. One of the most dangerous trends in America is the dying of the family meal. The dinner table is not only a place of sustenance and family business but also a place for the teaching and passing on of our values. Manners and rules are subtly absorbed over the table. Family mealtime should communicate and sustain ideals that children will draw on throughout their lives.

( ) Do not reduce character education to words alone. We gain virtue through practice. Parents should help children by promoting moral action through self-discipline, good work habits, kind and considerate behavior to others, and community service. The bottom line in character development is behavior--their behavior.

III. Watch the segment from the movie The Nanny Diaries and discuss the questions.

1. What were some of the cultures shown in the segment?

2. How different were the child-rearing issues addressed in the museum?

3. What do they say about Upper-East Side moms? How similar are they compared to you and your culture?

4. What do they have in common with your culture's and what are the major differences?

5. What is the role of the nanny in your culture?