
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Little Fockers: Parents Styles

I like all the movies of the series, but this one is really special. I love this scene and so do my students.

I. There are four types of parenting styles commonly referred to by parenting experts. Match the styles and the descriptions:

1. Authoritarian

2. Permissive


4. Uninvolved

( ) Child is the boss.

( ) Parents are the boss.

( ) Also called rejecting or neglecting: Boss is out to lunch - permanently.

( ) Also called balanced or democratic: Parents and children are co-bosses.

Answer key: 2, 1, 4, 3

II. Now fill in the blanks with the kinds of style in exercise I.

In the ____________ household, the parents are the ultimate and supreme commanders. They require their children to obey at all times and to not question authority. Strict with discipline and punishment, these parents value compliance above all else. Many children who grew up in an authoritarian family are not socially capable, lack self esteem or may be openly defiant. They also have been found to be deficient in leadership abilities, be incapable of decision making and to not be innovative thinkers.

The ______________ family allows the child to dictate behavior; some parents who adopt this style also subscribe to attachment parenting which promotes co-sleeping and "˜wearing' your infant in a sling close to your body. This style of parenting is often adapted by parents who were raised by authoritarians, and who wish to parent their own children in a completely opposite manner. Creativity and originality are highly prized in this family. Children from permissive parents are often impulsive, lack discipline and follow through, but score high when it comes to self esteem. These children are also often bored and expect others to take care of them, even when they reach adulthood.

____________ parents permit children to ask questions, but in the end the parents are the final decision makers of the household. As with authoritarian parents, authoritative demand results from their children, but reach this end objective by guiding their children through discussion, caring direction and involvement. Usually these children are very social, do well in school and have high self esteem. Authoritative children are competent, have high leadership qualities, and do well with original thinking and concepts.

Children of ____________ parents do not have rules and are often the "˜parent' in the relationship. Sometimes this stems from parents that are substance abusers or in some other way incapacitated, including mental or physical illnesses and are not capable of being a good role model for their children. Frequently these children are resentful, have behavioral problems and do not do well in school. Depression is elevated with children of uninvolved parents.

Information from the great site

III. Talk to a partner:

1. What kind of parent are you (your parents)? Explain it.

2. What are your parents greatest qualities? And weaknesses?

3. How different would your like your parents to be? Explain it.

4. Describe the perfect parenting style in your own point of view.

IV. Watch the scene from the comedy Little Fockers and discuss the questions.

1. Describe the scene.

2. What is their parenting style? Justify your answers with examples from the scene.

3. What about the child? Is the boy responding well to that style? Explain it.

4. How would your father react in that situation, let's say, if you were playing with the food, but not eating it at all?

5. How would he react if you did the same thing as the boy did?



  1. A very good topic. I find here new words for me and the topic was really interesting.

  2. It looks like a gerat way to start my lesson on hyper-parenting! Can't wait my students reactions!
