
Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: Expressing Opinions, Hindu Wedding

I. Watch the scene and write down every symbol or procedure of the wedding that you  don't know the meaning or what they represent. 

Ex: I don't know why the bride wears red.

II. Form small groups. As your friends if they know the answers to your questions. They have to express their opinions, using the expressions below:

I believe ...
I guess ...
I think ...
It could be ...
To my mind...
I would say that...
I presume...
I have the feeling that...

III. Surf the net and find the answers to your questions. Suggested sites:


  1. I am also confused, let me see and find answers.

  2. Sorry, this activity is to express opinions. There are no definite answers. I really will not provide the answers for I am not an expert on that. That is why it is to express opinions, and opinions vary from person to person.
