A. Work in small groups:
1. Do you believe in ETs and UFOs? Why (not)?
2. Have you ever seen or known anyone who has already seen a UFO?
3. Is it possible that ETs are already among us on Earth? Why (not)?
4. According to NASA, about 2000 reports of people claiming to have seen a UFO every month only in the USA. Why does that happen?
5. 98% of the reports are proven fake. Why do people do it? What about the other 2%?
6. Scientist have said that ETs have been captured and dissected in Roswell, USA and in the countryside in Russia? What's your opinion about it?
7. If ETs do exist, what do you think they look like? Do they look like us?
8. Why would they come to Earth, such a distant planet?
9. Most people describe ETs with similar physical characteristics. Is it evidence they actually exist or is it a proof that people are influenced by the descriptions provided by the media?
10. Why do countries, such as the USA, invest billions of dollars every year in projects to locate aliens, including a US$ 79 billion concluded project in New Mexico with landing tracks for UFOs?
B. Watch the movie segment from the movie Signs now and discuss the questions that follow.
1. Describe the segment.
2. Where did the scene take place?
3. Who probably shot the scene?
4. D0es the scene look real or fake? Explain it?
5. What would you do if you were at that birthday party? Would you try any contact?
6. Would NASA consider this footage a hoax or would they investigate it? Explain it.
C. Now read the discoveries made and found in the intriguing site Absolute Astronomy.com. Which ones may indicate that life on other planets or satellites may exist? What about intelligent life?
( ) Scientists have long speculated about the possibility of life on Mars owing to the planet's proximity and similarity to Earth. It remains an open question whether life currently exists on Mars, or has existed there in the past because liquid water is widely thought to have existed there in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface.
( ) Mercury (planet): An expedition to Mercury has discovered that a large amount of water exists in its exosphere.
( ) Europa (moon) may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants.
( ) Ganymede is a Moon of Jupiter and the List of natural satellites by diameter in the Solar System. Completing an orbit in a little more than seven days, it is the seventh satellite and third Galilean satellite from Jupiter and has a possible underground ocean( ) Callisto (moon) has a possible underground ocean.
( ) Enceladus (moon) has evidenced geothermal activity, water vapor. Possible under-ice oceans heated by tidal effects.
( ) Saturn (planet): A lake is present on the surface of the planet, the first liquid lakes discovered outside of Earth.
( ) Venus (planet): Scientists have speculated on the existence of germs and microbes in cloud layers 50 km above the surface.
D. Now watch the second segment from the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still and discuss these questions:
1. Describe the scene.
2. What does the Extra Terrestrial look like?
3. How different is this alien from the one in the segment from Signs?
4. Which one do you think is more believable? Why?
5. What were some of the powers this ET has?
6. The American Army rescued one alien during the scene. What will they probably do with it? Study its anatomy by killing it, keep it in a study room, try to communicate, etc?
7. Should the government make this discovery public? Why (not)?
8. Do you think a spacecraft will ever land or be seen on earth like the one in the segment did?
E. Watch the third segment of the movie District 9. Then discuss the questions that follow about the movie segment.
1. Describe the scene.
2. What happened to the space craft?
3. Where was the craft located?
4. How did they find the aliens?
5. How was the extra-terrestrials health condition?
6. What did humans do to them?
7. What were the problems humans were facing because of the extra-terrestrials?
8. Do you think this is a possible scenario? Why (not)?
9. Describe the extra-terrestrials.
10. If the situation were real, should humans be concerned about the ETs the way we are about wild animals dying out? Why (not)?
11. What were some of the opinions given by the population in the segment?